The System Context diagram for the Spring PetClinic system.¶
scale max 2000x1409
title Spring PetClinic - System Context
caption The System Context diagram for the Spring PetClinic system.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
componentBorderColor #707070
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noteBorderColor #707070
actor "Clinic Employee" <<Person>> as 2 #519823
note right of 2
An employee of the clinic
end note
rectangle 1 <<Software System>> #6cb33e [
Spring PetClinic
Allows employees to view and
manage information regarding
the veterinarians, the
clients, and their pets.
2 .[#707070].> 1 : Uses
Spring PetClinic - Containers¶
scale max 2000x1409
title Spring PetClinic - Containers
caption The Containers diagram for the Spring PetClinic system.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
componentBorderColor #707070
rectangleBorderColor #707070
noteBackgroundColor #ffffff
noteBorderColor #707070
actor "Clinic Employee" <<Person>> as 2 #519823
note right of 2
An employee of the clinic
end note
package "Spring PetClinic" <<Software System>> {
database 5 <<Relational Database Schema>> #91d366 [
Stores information regarding
the veterinarians, the
clients, and their pets.
rectangle 4 <<Java and Spring>> #91d366 [
Web Application
Allows employees to view and
manage information regarding
the veterinarians, the
clients, and their pets.
2 .[#707070].> 4 : <<HTTPS>>\nUses
4 .[#707070].> 5 : <<JDBC>>\nReads from and writes to
Spring PetClinic - Web Application - Components¶
scale max 1413x2000
title Spring PetClinic - Web Application - Components
caption The Components diagram for the Spring PetClinic web application.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
componentBorderColor #707070
rectangleBorderColor #707070
noteBackgroundColor #ffffff
noteBorderColor #707070
actor "Clinic Employee" <<Person>> as 2 #519823
note right of 2
An employee of the clinic
end note
database 5 <<Relational Database Schema>> #91d366 [
Stores information regarding
the veterinarians, the
clients, and their pets.
package "Web Application" <<Java and Spring>> {
component 13 <<Spring Service>> #6cb33e [
Mostly used as a facade so
all controllers have a single
point of entry
component 9 <<Spring MVC Controller>> #d4f3c0 [
Controller used to showcase
what happens when an
exception is thrown
component "OwnerController" <<Spring MVC Controller>> as 10 #d4f3c0
component 16 <<Spring Repository>> #95d46c [
Repository class for Owner
domain objects All method
names are compliant with
Spring Data naming
conventions so this interface
can easily be exten...
component "PetController" <<Spring MVC Controller>> as 12 #d4f3c0
component 15 <<Spring Repository>> #95d46c [
Repository class for Pet
domain objects All method
names are compliant with
Spring Data naming
conventions so this interface
can easily be extende...
component "VetController" <<Spring MVC Controller>> as 11 #d4f3c0
component 17 <<Spring Repository>> #95d46c [
Repository class for Vet
domain objects All method
names are compliant with
Spring Data naming
conventions so this interface
can easily be extende...
component "VisitController" <<Spring MVC Controller>> as 8 #d4f3c0
component 14 <<Spring Repository>> #95d46c [
Repository class for Visit
domain objects All method
names are compliant with
Spring Data naming
conventions so this interface
can easily be exten...
2 .[#707070].> 9 : <<HTTP>>\nUses
2 .[#707070].> 10 : <<HTTP>>\nUses
2 .[#707070].> 12 : <<HTTP>>\nUses
2 .[#707070].> 11 : <<HTTP>>\nUses
2 .[#707070].> 8 : <<HTTP>>\nUses
13 .[#707070].> 16
13 .[#707070].> 15
13 .[#707070].> 17
13 .[#707070].> 14
10 .[#707070].> 13
16 .[#707070].> 5 : <<JDBC>>\nReads from and writes to
12 .[#707070].> 13
15 .[#707070].> 5 : <<JDBC>>\nReads from and writes to
15 .[#707070].> 16
15 .[#707070].> 14
11 .[#707070].> 13
17 .[#707070].> 5 : <<JDBC>>\nReads from and writes to
8 .[#707070].> 13
14 .[#707070].> 5 : <<JDBC>>\nReads from and writes to
Web Application - Dynamic¶
scale max 2000x1409
title Web Application - Dynamic
caption Shows how the "view list of vets" feature works.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
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rectangleBorderColor #707070
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noteBorderColor #707070
participant "VetController" as 11 <<Spring MVC Controller>> #d4f3c0
participant "ClinicService" as 13 <<Spring Service>> #6cb33e
participant "VetRepository" as 17 <<Spring Repository>> #95d46c
actor "Clinic Employee" as 2 <<Person>> #519823
database "Database" as 5 <<Relational Database Schema>> #91d366
2 -[#707070]> 11 : 1. Requests list of vets from /vets
11 -[#707070]> 13 : 2. Calls findVets
13 -[#707070]> 17 : 3. Calls findAll
17 -[#707070]> 5 : 4. select * from vets
Web Application - Deployment¶
scale max 2000x1409
title Spring PetClinic - Deployment - Default
caption An example live deployment scenario for the Spring PetClinic software system.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
componentBorderColor #707070
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noteBorderColor #707070
node "Database Server - Primary" <<Ubuntu 12.04 LTS>> as 58 {
node "MySQL - Primary" <<MySQL 5.5.x>> as 59 {
database "Database" <<Relational Database Schema>> as 60 #91d366
node "Database Server - Secondary" <<Ubuntu 12.04 LTS>> as 64 {
node "MySQL - Secondary" <<MySQL 5.5.x>> as 65 {
database "Database" <<Relational Database Schema>> as 66 #91d366
node "Web Server (x2)" <<Ubuntu 12.04 LTS>> as 53 {
node "Apache Tomcat" <<Apache Tomcat 7.x>> as 54 {
rectangle "Web Application" <<Java and Spring>> as 55 #91d366
59 .[#707070].> 65 : Replicates data to
55 .[#707070].> 60 : <<JDBC>>\nReads from and writes to
55 .[#707070].> 66 : <<JDBC>>\nReads from and writes to
scale max 2000x1409
title Spring PetClinic - Deployment - Default
caption An example development deployment scenario for the Spring PetClinic software system.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
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rectangleBorderColor #707070
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noteBorderColor #707070
node "Developer Laptop" <<Windows 7+ or macOS>> as 37 {
node "Docker Container - Web Server" <<Docker>> as 38 {
node "Apache Tomcat" <<Apache Tomcat 7.x>> as 39 {
rectangle "Web Application" <<Java and Spring>> as 40 #91d366
node "Docker Container - Database Server" <<Docker>> as 41 {
node "Database Server" <<HSQLDB>> as 42 {
database "Database" <<Relational Database Schema>> as 43 #91d366
40 .[#707070].> 43 : <<JDBC>>\nReads from and writes to
scale max 2000x1409
title Spring PetClinic - Deployment - Default
caption An example staging deployment scenario for the Spring PetClinic software system.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
componentBorderColor #707070
rectangleBorderColor #707070
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noteBorderColor #707070
node "Staging Server" <<Ubuntu 12.04 LTS>> as 45 {
node "Apache Tomcat" <<Apache Tomcat 7.x>> as 46 {
rectangle "Web Application" <<Java and Spring>> as 47 #91d366
node "MySQL" <<MySQL 5.5.x>> as 49 {
database "Database" <<Relational Database Schema>> as 50 #91d366
47 .[#707070].> 50 : <<JDBC>>\nReads from and writes to