scale max 2000x1409
title System Landscape for Widgets Limited
caption The system landscape for Widgets Limited.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
componentBorderColor #707070
rectangleBorderColor #707070
noteBackgroundColor #ffffff
noteBorderColor #707070
actor "Customer" <<Person>> as 1 #ec5381
note right of 1
A customer of Widgets
end note
rectangle 6 <<Software System>> #ec5381 [
Braintree Payments
Processes credit card
payments on behalf of Widgets
rectangle 7 <<Software System>> #ec5381 [
Jersey Post
Calculates worldwide shipping
costs for packages.
rectangle 5 <<Software System>> #ec5381 [
Calculates local tax (for EU
B2B customers) and acts as a
front-end for Braintree
package "Widgets Limited" {
actor "Customer Service Agent" <<Person>> as 2 #b60037
note right of 2
Deals with customer
end note
rectangle 3 <<Software System>> #b60037 [
E-commerce System
Allows customers to buy
widgets online via the website.
rectangle 4 <<Software System>> #b60037 [
Fulfilment System
Responsible for processing
and shipping of customer
2 .[#707070].> 3 : Looks up order information using
1 .[#707070].> 2 : <<Telephone>>\nAsks questions to
1 .[#707070].> 3 : Places orders for widgets using
3 .[#707070].> 4 : Sends order information to
3 .[#707070].> 5 : Delegates credit card processing to
4 .[#707070].> 7 : Gets shipping charges from
5 .[#707070].> 6 : Uses for credit card processing
scale max 2000x1409
title E-commerce System - System Context
caption The system context diagram for the Widgets Limited e-commerce system.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
componentBorderColor #707070
rectangleBorderColor #707070
noteBackgroundColor #ffffff
noteBorderColor #707070
actor "Customer" <<Person>> as 1 #ec5381
note right of 1
A customer of Widgets
end note
rectangle 5 <<Software System>> #ec5381 [
Calculates local tax (for EU
B2B customers) and acts as a
front-end for Braintree
package "Widgets Limited" {
actor "Customer Service Agent" <<Person>> as 2 #b60037
note right of 2
Deals with customer
end note
rectangle 3 <<Software System>> #b60037 [
E-commerce System
Allows customers to buy
widgets online via the website.
rectangle 4 <<Software System>> #b60037 [
Fulfilment System
Responsible for processing
and shipping of customer
2 .[#707070].> 3 : Looks up order information using
1 .[#707070].> 3 : Places orders for widgets using
3 .[#707070].> 4 : Sends order information to
3 .[#707070].> 5 : Delegates credit card processing to
scale max 2000x1409
title Fulfilment System - System Context
caption The system context diagram for the Widgets Limited fulfilment system.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
componentBorderColor #707070
rectangleBorderColor #707070
noteBackgroundColor #ffffff
noteBorderColor #707070
rectangle 7 <<Software System>> #ec5381 [
Jersey Post
Calculates worldwide shipping
costs for packages.
package "Widgets Limited" {
rectangle 3 <<Software System>> #b60037 [
E-commerce System
Allows customers to buy
widgets online via the website.
rectangle 4 <<Software System>> #b60037 [
Fulfilment System
Responsible for processing
and shipping of customer
3 .[#707070].> 4 : Sends order information to
4 .[#707070].> 7 : Gets shipping charges from
scale max 2000x1409
title Dynamic
caption A high-level overview of the customer support call process.
skinparam {
shadowing false
arrowColor #707070
actorBorderColor #707070
componentBorderColor #707070
rectangleBorderColor #707070
noteBackgroundColor #ffffff
noteBorderColor #707070
actor "Customer" as 1 <<Person>> #ec5381
actor "Customer Service Agent" as 2 <<Person>> #b60037
participant "E-commerce System" as 3 <<Software System>> #b60037
1 -[#707070]> 2 : 1. Asks questions to
2 -[#707070]> 3 : 2. Looks up order information using